SEMI-SENSELESS DRAWING MODULES consist of many drawing modules. Monorail trolley type modules move horizontally on the rail and the pens hanged from modules move vertically by winders. When modules collide with each other on the rail, they
change their directions. The range of vertical movement is affected by the environmental conditions such as people flow, loudness, temperature and humidity. Furthermore, the speed of the vertical and horizontal movements changes every moment with the environmental factors in realtime. Thus our drawing modules generate enormous abstract drawings interacting with each other and the surroundings for a very long time. Our work was exhibited in Sapporo International Art Festival and kept drawing on the temporary wall for 72 days.
It is said that many abstract painters express their own emotions and fix their evidence of their action to canvas. We tried to simulate an abstract painter himself with the thought that if the environmental changes affect the painter’s mind or the quality of his work, our modules also should go with these changes. Can our modules express their feelings more deeply by adopting these factors?


SEMI-SENSELESS DRAWING MODULESは復数の描画装置で構成される。トロリー型モジュールがレールを左右に移動し、モジュールから吊るされたペンが巻取り機によって上下運動を行い、壁面に抽象的な線を描画していく。レール上でモジュール同士が衝突すると、お互いそれまでとは逆方向に動き出す。上下の可動範囲は展示空間の人の多さや騒音量、その日の気温、湿度といった環境のコンディションによって、時間と共にゆるやかに変化していく。さらに、上下左右の動く速度も環境情報の計測結果を基に、リアルタイムに変動する。そうして描画機たちが相互に、そして自らが置かれる場と関係性を持ちながら、長い時間をかけて一つの巨大な抽象画を生成する。札幌国際芸術祭に出展された本作は会期中、札幌地下歩行空間に建てられた仮設壁に72日間描画し続けた。

Collaboration with Takahiro YAMAGUCHI


2017 NÉMO Biennale (104 / Gare de Lyon, Paris)

2017 VIA Festival (le Manège, Maubeuge)

2017 Scopitone (Mediacampus, Nantes)

2017 Smart Factory (Le Tetris, Le Havre)

2016 MIG21 (Kibla Portal. Maribor)

2015 Japan Media Art Festival Kagoshima (Reimeikan, Kagoshima)

2014 El error maquínico (Cenart, Mexico City)

2014 Sapporo International Art Festival (Chikaho, Sapporo)



Selected Works

Lasermice dyadinstallation

Kazokutchia-life NFT robot

Lasermice ensemblesperformance



Yarn Recorderexperimental device


Asemic LanguagesInstallation

Glitch Knithacking / knitting

Jamming Geargadget

Objets of soundinstallation

Technophone Kitgadget / workshop

Computed Copyclothing

Captured DesireSculpture

turntable sequencerInstallation

slit movie sequencerInstallation

bells in the waterInstallation